Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Where Did The Itchy Nose Myth Come From?

While the world turns sooner or later you'll need to brush up from here ...

Hello people!
The moment is cathartic: Yoda soon come to earth to make a killing infidels, then you should convert you!
The clouds were gathering copious on this vale of tears and your lightsaber will put an end to an era, but fear not, sooner or later he will return to the sun because "it can not rain forever" (although in reality this was " The Crow ")!

Today I wanted to introduce a new topic / category of people: After
Truzzi, bimbiminkia, escort (etc etc etc), are pleased to present the DORILLA (Female Gorilla +)!
I do not know you but in my part of this species is thick and abundant proliferation, probably because it's damp and cold are their preferred habitat.
That species is presented to us in the form of humanoid and its main features are:

  • Accentuation of the forms on your chest and hips.
  • acute vocal register.
  • troiesca attitude towards almost any male alive or be dead.
  • Lexicon extremely foul that it can compete with that of the much renowned Turkish and / or longshoremen.
  • Jaws, biceps brachii, brachialis, and triceps coracobrachialis highly developed (this feature can not exist all the time).
  • Tendenza clownesca ad agghindarsi alla boia d'un cane.
  • Assenza totale di tratti psicologici femminili
E' molto facile trovarla al di fuori di locali pubblici nelle ore notturne intenta a fumare o bere super alcolici. In queste occasioni si consiglia agli esemplari maschili di essere umano di starne alla larga perchè potrebbero essere assaliti dalla Dorilla trascinata da un impeto violento ed incontrollabile dovuto alla SOLA presenza del bicchiere che poteva contenere (come non contenere) il suddetto super alcolico.

Si raccomanda quindi la massima prudenza, esse sono animali selvatici non domestici, potrebbero risultare violente e provocare morsi molto profondi nel caso si or feel offended (rightly) rejected.
Unfortunately photos are not available but we will soon.

That effort is with you and with your spirit.



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