Sunday, March 23, 2008

Sudden Sore Throat On One Side

...l'agente libero...

What is man ?.... very trivial question, as nn quanto la risposta.
L'uomo è un'animale, o meglio deriva dagli animali.
Russeau definiva gli animali come macchine a cui la natura ha dato la possibilità di caricarsi da soli e proteggersi, nei limiti del possibile. Un coniglio nn può proteggersi da un leone.
L'uomo è un'animale, ma ha una immensa distinzione, l'uomo è libero, è cioè dotato da libero agire.
L'animale vive d'istinto, cioè mangia, dorme, agisce asseconda della specie, dall'habitat, attraverso un codice fornito dalla natura, ciè la natura fornisce una legge, a ciui l'animale si attiene, senza uscire dai "binari".
Per l'uomo nn è cosi. Esso può fare delle scelte, giuste o sbagliate, that gradually influerenzeranno the individual and perhaps collective.
It is this quality is the human virtue. We may call it perfection, ie the possibility to choose and when to change your status, is the basis for improvement.
Man improves the animal no, it stays as it is the best you will will be found after thousands of years (Darwin) and not immediate.
The free agent has the autonomy to choose and sometimes go against Regle of nature. So
nn is the intellect but the quality of free agent that distinguishes man-animal. From
analyze the role of bad choices. If a perfect choice to me, should the wrong arrears, but when the individual chooses to have a 50% chance of having made the correct choice, and yet our society seems to view from behind nos.
And if you were to look backward in morality, relationships, ideals?
mistake of a mathematical formula is correct but a wrong choice on child rearing nn you can retrieve it ....
Man alone can become a fool, there being an improvement, it may well be a step backwards. This may be caused by many factors, can be a symptom of old age, an accident. Losing all that he had bought his cn perfectibility, I will fall down most of the beasts, and even the technology can help, requiring a minimum of technology free to act.
this perfectibility of man is the greatest benefit but also the worst luck, because although the best, takes him out of the original condition, in which disregards innocent and quiet days, and developing the centuries with its limitations and errors, his vices and suevirtù, makes the long tyrant of himself and of nature ...
So a man who has lost the perfectibility, nn would not even at the same level of an animal, but rather that without the chance of improving, has a very useful tool for survival .... instinct, a man never nn hour longer.
Luck more is that the power possessed by man enhancements have come to use only in situations of exercise, without any siperflue it later if necessary and unnecessary.


Monday, March 10, 2008

Did Hippes Wear Bandanas



Dialogo sulla figura
of labor law and the prospects of legislation in the field of labor between

advisor at the Supreme Court

Hosei University (Tokyo)
visiting professor at the University of Trento

THURSDAY 'March 13, 2008 9:00 HALL 6 hours
Faculty of Law

with the contribution of' Opera University and the University of Trento

Friday, March 7, 2008

Welcome Letter Wording concezione del mondo come fatto politico....

connection between common sense, religion and philosophy.
philosophy is an intellectual order them, what they can not be neither religion nor common sense. See how, in reality even religion and common sense are the same, but an element of disruption religioneè common. From the rest "Comn sense" is a collective name, as 'religion': there is only common sense that it is a productor a historical development. philosophy is the criticism and superamentio of religion and of common sense and in this sense coincides with the "common sense" as opposed to common sense.
Relationship between science-religion-common sense.
Religion and common sense can not be an intellectual order because they can not be reduced to unity and coherence even in the individual conscience to speak of the collective consciousness nn: can not be reduced to unity and coherence "freely" because this could be as authoritative in fact happened in the past to some extent.
If you think ... the problem of religion understood as meaning not confessional, but in the secular unity of faith between a conception of the world and a rule of conodtta compliant, but why call this unity of faith "religion" and do not call "ideology" or "political"?
I consider myself a fool .... but beware of the reasoning: nn
for example there is the philosophy in general: There are different philosophies or conceptions of the world and is becoming a choice between them. Shopping basket is like this? this choice is a purely intellectual or more complex?
E nn is often made between the intellectual and the rule conceptional there is a contradiction? What then is the true conception of the world: the logic itself as mental fatto intellettuae, o quella che risulta dalla reale attività di ciascuno, che è implicita nel suo operare? e poichè l'operare è sempre un operare politico, nn si può dire che la filosofia reale di ognuno è contenuta tutta nella sua politica?
Questo contrasto fra il pensare e l'operare, cioè la coesistenza di due concezioni del mondo, una affermata a parole e l'altra esplicatesi nell'effettivo operare nn è dovuto sempre a malafede.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Bumps From Stretching Labia

Manifesto dell'intellettuale laico.

l'intellettuale laico è colui che al di là della credenza religiosa pone come sua morale ed etica una serie di valori che possono conciliarsi o meno con la morale cristiana, ma che in alcun modo contrastino con la vita degli altri o dell'umanità itself.

1 2 3
justice loyalty commitment

4 5

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Dune Buggy Radiocomandato


A man may not have the right to the fruit of the sweat of his brow?

No, says the man in Washington "should be given to the poor"

No, says the man in the Vatican, "belongs to God"

No, says the man in Moscow: "to be distributed among all"

I did not accept those answers and instead chose a different path.

Scelsi utopia and the impossible ...
chose La Loggia