Thursday, February 17, 2011

Scorpio Man Stops Talking To You

Wonne be a Pokemon master

HELLO people of the web, start this post with good news: The non supercazzola ha prematurato abbastanza velocemente quindi il mondo è salvo!

Cooooooooomunque sappiate che mentre scrivo, nella mia cameretta stanno correndo veloci le note di uno dei più bei CD di Bob Dylan...(ok, la pianto).

Ad ogni modo, parlando di cose serie, oggi mentre stavo perdendomi nei meandri delle mie sudate carte rimembravo i tempi in cui noi e gai fanciulli nati alle fine degli anni '80 inizio '90 guardavamo la famosa serie cartoni animati "Pokèmon". Beh, mi domando ancora oggi quanto sarebbe simpatico e giocoso prendere baracca e burattini, zaino in spalla, partire all'avventura come faceva il nostro beniamino Ash, che alla fine aveva capito tante cose pur nella sua tenera età (si adesso arrivo al punto).
Years and years ago, when there were protests youth the true spirit of the air and there was a revolution even if the cops loaded up a crowd eager for freedom in a much more violent than what happens today, there was also a part of the world that took the backpack and started the adventure style "Into the wild". Those were people who maybe knew when they would not match and when they would return, people with ideals, able to "live deep and suck all the marrow of life" (read as Robin Williams in a famous and wonderful film ").
I do not doubt there are still these wonderful spiritual guru of the 'on the road "in this globalized world where You can reach the opposite end of the world in 12 hours by plane (other than around the world in 80 days), only pochei ... I think they are too few.
That is, if I ask what is one of the things I intend to do until my young age I may answer: "buy a chopper and turn Europe (ok, maybe not .. chopper). In Italy
fleeing the brains to work, the Western world is so hectic that the clocks can not afford to fall behind, the youth of today are so conformist that I doubt not even know who I am ...
maybe wrong, but nevertheless, leave, take some 'time per se, but to get to know ... maybe in the morning quando ci si guarda allo specchio, non smetteremo di domandaci chi sia quell'imbecille che è sempre lì davanti...

Dopo questo mare di frasi sconclusionate vi saluto!



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