Friday, February 11, 2011

Starting To Get Strep

Quando ci irridevano per la castità

We were a generation irreverent, transgressive. In the seventies who did strikes and Okkupati? The "forbidden to forbid", the six political, then the joints, the amorazzi disposable, ideological fanaticism, political violence, the intolerance Capetti surrounded by "companions" adoring. A generation obedient - as judged Pasolini - the owners of the dominant culture that wanted revolution.

Then some of us have had fathers and they disobeyed their masters. We experienced true freedom. We venture into unknown lands, inhabited by a beauty never imagined, we experienced the friendship, authenticity, the taste of a life diversa.Senza even put a theme, following the appeal of Jesus Christ, we had to experience the splendor of chastity, boys and girls, and even to guess the revolutionary poetry of virginity. Amazed by how good it was the face of your girlfriend has not been reduced to prey, a subject on which to vent their violent solitude.

E 'pleased the sovereign freedom of God's children for which Francis of Assisi could say, "after God and the firmament: Chiara. Clare is in the text reads: "Francis, our only consolation and support, after God." We had met men true for anything we wanted to lose that new life and the taste of life. So we became the "hated CL" . Hated by the herd of "buddies" that are easy meat for the market libertarian (adjacent to the stand of heroin), laughed about priests and the pope, and - how easy it was for fools - the purity of CL . In many cases, the contempt is also passed to the bars, punches, insults.

There they are, today, the companions of the time. They did not make the revolution, but many have careers and money. And the arrogance is often remained the same. Under the gray hair and baldness roars ancora il giovanotto fanatico di allora. L’unica rivoluzione che hanno fatto – o meglio: che hanno servito – è stata la rivoluzione sessuale. Ad uso e consumo della società dei consumi. Oggi la panza, che ballonzola dietro la loro cravatta di facoltosi giornalisti, potenti politici, baroni universitari, ammonisce e rimprovera. E – toh! – su cosa?Contro il sesso sfrenato (ovviamente non il proprio: quello di Berlusconi). Pontificano accigliati contro il sesso usa e getta, tessono orazioni morali sulla dignità della donna, ci insegnano il sacro rispetto del corpo femminile, predicano il rigore morale. In certi casi dall’alto di una vita, di una generazione, che ha conosciuto – after the sexual anarchy of youth - a succession of marriages and relationships ... The show is amazing. Perhaps it is even an opportunity for reflection. I have refrained until now from writing about the miseries of the news and I answered no to some political talk shows who wanted to invite me to "judge a Catholic", "Nights of Arcore. However, for weeks I see and hear some former revolutionaries, inspired air and virginal purity, raise their loud cry against those who profane pictures with scantily clad "women's bodies", against those whose sexual mores and wild - in disbelief - I rub my eyes.

Not only remembering the youth seasons. I wonder: what newspapers have written so far? Which week? What had the cover? Women wearing burkas? And what books have launched? What films and filmmakers who have exalted? What costumes have practiced and legitimized? What moral claimed? Suddenly everyone seems to have become castigatissimi censors. It was inevitable that such a group of Puritans is next to Oscar Luigi Scalfaro being, he, a bigot of the first hour. Remember the episode that made "immortal"? It 's the fuss made in the fifties to a lady, accidentally caught a glimpse of the restaurant, guilty of having a low-cut dress. The event "for the dignity of women" thus participate This Scalfaro. And I read the Republic, which "will also attend Nichi Vendola: 'Another Italian history is possible, there is a better Italy for which women are not cannon fodder, from illicit trade bodies, the stars in only one establishment to escort'" . Yes, dear Nichi (in the role of the moral theologian), Italy this exists. Are you sure that is exactly what you want for decades? 's wonderful slogan of this left, "I'm man enough to say." But enough for what? The famous "sexual freedom"? the slogan "the body is mine and manage it? In this sessuomania mass. Let's talk. Last May partecipai a una puntata di “Annozero” su preti e pe dofilia. Fu molto interessante, ma ricordo che quando tentai di ampliare l’orizzonte proponendo di analizzare la (spesso patologica) sessuomania di massa che caratterizza i nostri costumi e la nostra cultura, Santoro troncò il discorso passando ad altro. Non lo ritenne interessante. Eppure è questo il clima irrespirabile.

Sono un padre, ho figlie giovani e mi fa schifo una società in cui delle giovani donne – in qualunque ambiente ! – sono discriminate se non stanno al gioco o non accettano certi compromessi. Mi fa schifo una società dove delle ragazze o dei ragazzi sono marchiati come cretini se dicono di credere nella castità o nella virginity. Or where you are considered dangerous if a person says that marriage is only between a man and woman, if you insist to say that gender is not an opinion (that nature - either male or female - is debatable), if you consider divorce an evil, whether it condemns abortion, the morning after pill and if you dare to question the "sacred condom" revered by the dominant culture. Some people try to yank some Christians to wrest their excommunication of the sinner Berlusconi. Gad Lerner has amplified the voice of the nun who thundered, "It is not lawful" against the Cav as the Baptist against Herod.

Good. With that suorina però – a proposito di Erode – tuoniamo “non ti è lecito” pure contro una cultura dominante che a livello planetario ha legalizzato la pratica dell’aborto arrivando in cinquant’anni a totalizzarne un miliardo, una cultura che abbassa sempre di più il livello di difesa della vita umana. E vorrei ricordare a quella suorina che Giovanni Battista tuonava soprattutto contro l’ipocrisia di scribi e farisei che chiamava: “Razza di vipere!”. Anche Gesù tuonerà contro di loro. Lui mostra compassione per i peccatori, i pubblicani e le prostitute, ma non per i “sepolcri imbiancati” che puntano il dito sul peccato altrui: “essi all’esterno are beautiful to behold, but are within full of dead men's bones and all uncleanness ". E 'of all of us talking. Because of a great sinner like Zacchaeus, Jesus can make a saint, a great saint like Paul or Augustine. But of those who presume to judge others, the whitewashed tombs? Moreover they will be with his finger pointed at Jesus' right under the croce.Dicevamo of the event for the dignity of women. Will defend the dignity trampled on Muslim women on the continent? And the dignity of Christian women in Pakistan, the dignity of Asia Bibi, a young mother sentenced to death, still held and subjected to any humiliation, for the Christian? E 'Christianity which required women to recognize their dignity. Roberto Benigni himself, commenting on the "prayer to the Virgin" of Dante, had this to say: "God himself has since asked Mary her yes or no that its women gained the right to say yes or no" . Just yesterday we were celebrating St. Agatha, virgin and martyr. The story of this young man in the third century shows us the only true revolution that restored dignity to women. Certainly not the culture of the Republic and the Espresso or the common (or, of course, the television culture). But only Jesus Christ.

Antonio Socci

from "Free", 6 febbraio 2011


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