Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Toilet Paper Transmit Herpes

Obladì obladi!

Obladì obladi As far today, I will a beautiful post some nonsense, so much for ...
If perhaps I abandon his sleep at the right times, I would not be in this situation of continuous dazed .... Say something I'll have

while talking ... I opt for the dialects! Why
dialects still exist? Why an Italian who moves from one region to another must be put at a club he does not understand what they say and others, worse (especially for many older people who speak only dialect) not being understood? Oo Come the age of globalization still have difficulties in communication seems to me something very ridiculous! Sviluppiamoci, back and try to overcome this barrier, che aumenta l'emarginazione di italiani costretti a cambiare abitazione (vale sì per Sud verso il Nord, ma non illudiamoci che il contrario non accada.. anzi anche da Nord verso Nord++!!!!!).
Basta un intervento breve e conciso.

Vi omaggio dina foto di Zampa che vi osserva tutti. State attenti.
ora siete fottuti!!!!



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