Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Left Meralgia Paresthetica Surgery

La mia scuola privata, spalancata sul bene del sapere ben più di quella pubblica

Strange way to go to Paola Mastrocola, which also recognized the passion of teaching: the decline of school report pubblica e poi difende la stessa a spada tratta in nome della resistenza democratica.

Ma lo spirito pubblico che sta tanto a cuore alla prof torinese e ai severi progressisti democratici cofirmatari dell’appello di Repubblica, si coltiva benissimo anche studiando in una scuola privata . Il ministro Gelmini, ormai, parla solo di scuole statali e di scuole paritarie, sussumendo entrambe nella categoria del pubblico. Giusto. Ai miei tempi, invece, c’erano la scuola pubblica e la scuola privata parificata. E io che dall’asilo alla maturità ho sempre frequentato scuole private, e anzi ho dovuto farlo per motivi politici, vi garantisco che per nutrire il senso dello stato, l’adesione spontanea to good citizenship, respect for the values \u200b\u200bof liberal democracy, I did not need to indoctrinate me by a bearded professor, a militant anti-fascist hard and pure reading the manifesto, lectured on 'Spoon River Anthology, "advising his pupils as reading of Don Milani, if it was bad, or the early writings of Karl Marx, if it was fine.

My teachers were nuns. Beginning with Sister Mary Cecilia, blue eyes and his face pockmarked by adult youth. It was a little servant of the Sacred Heart and taught me to read, write and arithmetic, as far as your imagination, after studying the ancient Egyptians on the subsidiary, dreaming of playing for the Pharaohs, or holes in the sand excavated from the rain in the pine forest of Monte Mario. Ten years on, as it is to choose the medium, I decided on the Servants of the Sacred Heart, because many of my playmates were there. A beautiful school, which no longer exists. Years ago, the house in Art Nouveau and modern buildings that housed the classrooms of the average of the two high schools, and classical language of the rooms inside, as it was also a college, and those of the sisters were sold with the beautiful garden of Villa Balestra . Since then, several generations of professional women, judges, lawyers, writers, managers, even an astronaut, the first in Italy (Negri Barbara) and many mothers go before the closed gate of the Mountains Parioli, with a pang, because their school is no more. It was there that in fact in the seventies equalized attended high school, studying Kant and the wars of religion with his mother Judith Federici, the protest of Leopardi second with Walter Binni mother Dolores de Bernardiis, the structure of DNA with the legendary Puglielli, which was secular, el '"Alcestis" by Nicola Santoro, Puglia Greek scholar, who is also secular, and the levers of the third kind with Silvia Spaziani, and with Botticelli and Sironi Francesca Romana De Marco, "the only virgin in Rome," as she professed , indifferent to our jokes ferocious. Outside the garden there was the challenge of spoiled little girls, but for us it was the feast of the freshman, the strikes, but we were university boys, there was my brother Bert, who could not enter Mamiani, and one morning he found himself among the "bundles" held hostage by a group of "companions" that whirled in the air threatening the chains of the bike with his helmet down over his face. For this I was the only daughter of a pariah, but the Parliamentary Assembly of the neo-fascist MSI, having to choose the school I was kept away from public schools. On the other hand, I learned a method, the taste and the fatigue of study, the joy of knowing. At our school, the only policy was not to make policy. Never decision turned out to be liberating.

(Marina Valensise)


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