Friday, March 4, 2011

Ap Bio California Lab Answers

does not depress me depressed

Hello people! Good
new hyper-space: To Kill a Mockingbird is the plan flat fading, then the road that leads to the bleak land of Mordor seems less threatening than before.

Today I wanted to tell you about the most controversial human race I have ever known: the chronically indecisive.
Yes, I know, you know you too but I would like to pause for a moment to analyze it.
They wander aimlessly in the dark depths of their lives without understanding why, trying to choose one of the many opportunities that mother nature offers him, because luck is always blind, and their berries.
The real failure of not being able to understand the fragility of their existence is so strong that still remain in stasis, waiting for someone or something compels him a choice, avoiding so the sweat that would be caused by a too intensive use, though present, brain cells.
Obviously when you go to speak with one of them to see to budge from its perpetual stagnation psychophysical get hit by a rain of good intentions and excuses. The most frequent
for life "work" are:

  • "The fact is that I want to do ..."
  • "I'd like to but ... (insert a big problem apparently)"
  • "The truth that I do not have time"
  • "Were it not that (insert a random fault) I would do it"
Among those I live on the affective are:
  • "Come faccio a decidermi? Rischio di far soffrire qualcuno!"
  • "no, la verità è che adesso non vorrei una storia seria, ma possiamo rimanere amici"(in questo caso le sue azioni corrisponderanno al perfetto opposto delle parole, in modo che possa tenere i piedi in due staffe)
Per quanto sono riuscita ad analizzare in questi giorni posso assolutamente affermare che gli indecisi cronici si dividono in due categorie:
  • Quelli che sono si indecisi ma alla fine, dopo una serie immensa di spinte e minacce di morte, riescono ad incamminarsi verso un qualsiasi sentiero (scelto tramite il classico lancio delle monetina).
  • I pigri, che non si smuovono neanche if a tree is about to collapse on him.
Without this little excursion into the wonderful world of indecision I say that this species is not dangerous to others but with time it tends to self-destruct, so if you want to do good work by trying to save as much as possible even they are required to maintain the balance of nature.

However, joking aside, according to what I see around, I hear on the news or read in newspapers is probably better to be a bit 'too indecisive that sure of themselves (is not it obvious?).

After this long post, I greet you.
That effort is with you.


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