I like to give a news exclusive: yesterday (Wednesday) began Quaresi-ma. I say this because the day-no, and no TV has given to each other the slightest attention. Ash Wednesday has passed away unnoticed, among the remains of the Carnival fat, ul-time festivities of Venice and the fallout sparked controversy around-the Women's Day. Please! Important moment on March 8. But of all the pages covered with mimosas, of all the initiatives in pink, and the shares rose, pink recurrences and buildings illuminated in pink, possible that there is a spa-Uncle purple as a reminder that today begins the most important time per i cristiani? Scommetto che se oggi fosse co­minciato il Ramadan avremmo già stampato titoli a caratteri cubi­tali. Succede ogni volta: cinque­mila a Vicenza per il Ramadan, diecimila a Milano per il Rama­dan, e giù a raccogliere opinioni degli esperti per dire come ci si comporta durante il Ramadan, quali sono le regole del Rama­dan, com’è bello fare il Ramadan.
Persino alcuni vescovi a volte sembra che s’emozionino più per il Ramadan che per la Quaresima: si sa, è più facile ottenere un titolo su Repubblica inchinandosi ai fe­deli musulmani, magari propo­nendo una moschea in ogni quar­tiere, that celebrating the usual Christian rite of ashes ... And then, however, is quite complaining Eurabia inu-tile, re-quotes the prophecies of Oriana Fallaci, frightened by the arrival of the mas-se of immigrants from North Africa and the subsequent "suicide-l'Europa ', as it did yesterday, Cor-barriers with a heartfelt editorial Ostellino Piero, if not then there is ac-corgi that even in the whole re-I of the magazine (and newspaper) there is a line that is going to remember something important for Christians. It is unnecessary be-cause you can not win the challenge con l’islam cancellando la nostra me­moria, le nostre tradizioni, la no­stra fede. Chi perde le proprie ra­dici rischia di essere spazzato via anche da un venticello, figuriamo­ci da una bufera come quella che si è sollevata in terra araba. Ma in fondo noi quella sfida l’abbiamo già persa. Abbiamo perso perché sappiamo tutto del­le celebrazioni del venerdì in mo­schea e nulla delle Ceneri. Abbia­mo perso perché nella preghiera laica del mattino, che sono i gior­nali, citiamo i carri di Viareggio e le arance di Ivrea, ma non sappia­mo più perché esiste una festa che si chiama Carnevale. Abbia­mo because if we lost tomorrow, which is the first Friday of Lent, in school cafeterias serviran-no ham steak and no one will have nothing to say. And maybe they are the same people who rightly scan-dalizzano if, by mistake, on the tabletop, the ends of a Muslim touch pork ... we remember the words of Fallaci because we pau-ra. And we are afraid because we no longer know who we are, as Muslims know very well and are so proud of their de-fe of their past and to defend it-even in a foreign land. We, our faith and our past, we no longer even tell oratories, where we celebrate Solemnly multiculturalism, but you forgot to explain the meaning of the dinner-ri. If yesterday we went around the city to ask, "What day is og-gi?" We AVU-to many answers: "The day after International Women's Day," "the day after Mardi Gras," " March 9, "" the day when you re-back to school, "" the day-by-step ap-mose I, "" the day of the Champions League. " All ve-ro, all right. And the Ashes? Who knows. Now even the day of the Interna-tional len-ness, the day World No ta-bacco and the day-the international protection of the stratospheric ozone layer-no longer have visibility of the beginning of Lent. Perhaps a justification for the fact that most of the major publishing companies have their headquarters in Milan? For the mainstream press and TV for the time of penance could start Sunday, according to the Ambrosian rite? Mac-because: Sunday, there will be the rites of the week I ULTI-white, co-mince the secular ceremonies in the spring, the Make it opens the gardens and villas and other interesting-you activities. Lent no, that the-we turned out. Not talk about it, is taboo, perhaps because we take too much re-ste-tri-be included in our life, an overdose of crifici know-who does not want us in the midst of days that it seems almost no-all tem-Lenten . And instead of wrong. Wrong because, as he wrote 's future Wednesday, Lent is always less than the pre-ritual of melancholy, and increasingly is the rite of irony, that "smiles in the faces of owls of history." we like it or not: "It is not a philosophical argument, there is the law of its own in-off." Just give guar-around. Pro-priority because the time is already so dark, because we face a world that collapses, just be-cause life already seems like a endless series of Lent, there is no road between al-hope in the Quare-mum. The real one. Which, if not else, unlike many quare-sime daily, gives meaning to the sacrifices, taking with him the the hope of Easter.
(Mario Giordano, from "Il Giornale")
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