Saturday, March 5, 2011

Brick Pool Coping For Sale


Hello people!
Today, I heard Mr. Tambourine Man, says it's on strike, so do not play more for us. Vera and Lucy agree with him, so the top is in barriques house on sunny days, while the second does not further scorrazzerà the sky with diamonds. The only one who disagrees is Layla Aqualong but says that he will convince her.
strike because many say that Rock (Note the "R" capital ") is dead, so they want to eclipse this world to make it clear to us mere mortals who do not è vero!

Comunque non posso dare torto a questi nostri baluardi della musica per diverse ragioni.
La prima è che il TunZ TunZ ormai regna sovrano; aleggia negli autobus e nei treni perchè il truzzo di turno non si rende conto che tiene la musica troppo alta, rendendo le cuffiette inutili, anche se è ancora peggio quando queste non ci sono e ai suoi poveri vicini di posto tocca sorbirsi il TunZ TunZ come se si trovassero in discoteca.
La seconda, e vi invito ad andare a verificare, è che su FacciaLibro esistono gruppi come "Il rock è la musica del diavolo. E' bene rendersene conto." e "Il rock è la musica del diavolo. Siatene consapevoli.", la cui unica ragione di esistenza è la costante presenza of (pardon the term) crap. Their directors, in addition to music is not meant for anything, they are totally imbued with false respectability Catholic, want to go and, above all, let us take the right path traced by the Catholic Church without understanding that Our Lord Jesus Christ (Our Lord Jesus Christ) was full of ' love, she loved everyone, do not bother anyone, and especially (so says the legend) has been done to avoid a painful end to kill and sad.
I mean, I know more that I do not think, they are not baptized, I've never done catechism or religion at school and I appriccio to Catholicism when I watch "Jesus Christ Superstar" than many of them.
As I write these things but It occurred to me that John Lennon, one of the most important figures of the twentieth century, convinced pacifist and performer / composer "Imagine" , a hymn to peace par excellence, was killed by Mark Chapman, who was guess' .... Catholic!

In conclusion, here are talking about Islamic extremists but no one hears anything of the Catholic and the thing, can not deny, I am very concerned. These go unnoticed, about love and peace, but eventually would like to throw into the fire to purify because you are a sinner, as rock music or other similar ambitions.

Yes, well, I was game to talk about the Rock and I found myself out my concerns about fundamentalists Catholics are very resourceful. However
much to show that at least a little 'I'm right I invite you to jump up and go to FB "Young Christian servants of the Lord our God" .

This is not to criticize those who believe in any God, indeed, but I ask him not to hate, and above all respect, those who think like him, because, as Voltaire said, the good old "I do not agree with you but I would give my life to help you express your ideas. "
I leave.
That effort is with you.


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