Tuesday, March 15, 2011
What Kind Of Shoes Do Ravers Wear 2010
Condividere questo titolo su facebook.
Tornare la mattina dopo.
Trovare "nooo io ti voglio bene" (apprezzato dalla persona in questione, per carità, ma .... ).
Rileggere (devo aver per forza letto male).
Rileggere (prendere consapevolezza di aver letto bene).
Chiudere facebook.
Questo è ciò che è accaduto questa mattina. Mi chiedo se il significato del messaggio in questione fosse complesso. Non mi pare a dire il vero. Cioè.. ne sono quasi convinta.
Ad ogni modo ciò ha riconfermato quello che mi creava dispiacere. Il "ti voglio bene" non è più un desiderio di comunicare affetto alle persone che sono importanti.
E' una moda e basta (ci sarebbe molto da parlare anche sul "ti amo", ma quello mi crea traumi troppo forti per esprimermi). Sono parole che si dicono a chiunque, dopo il "piacere, mi chiamo........" .
Preferisco la mia associalità che tutto questo falso affetto.
Monday, March 14, 2011
How To Draw The Dgk Sign
Salve popolo!
Non so voi ma l'aria radioattiva e le piogge acide stanno distruggendo le mie povere piantine, credo farò presente la cosa alla C.I.A. (Confederazione Italiana Agricoltori) per vedere se almeno loro possono farci qualcosa.
Comunque oggi sono felice; sono felice perchè I discovered a truth that will leave you speechless:
At the exact moment that you are looking for a person that definitely has 100 billion better things to do than staying to hear you. This is not only mathematically certain, many scientists have tested this formula on a substantial number of people and all were found to be prone to the tendency to disappear at an inconvenient time ... for some reason.
However the other night I had the proof to be as bleak vision of the new generations but that did not upset me too much: the now twelve years old in high heels and monigonna popping up like mushrooms and look ugly and always equal to the boys now makes them indistinguishable from each other. Lancio un appello a tutte persone tristemente uguali alla massa che leggono questo post:
Vabè, sto diventando monotona; mi congedo con un un pezzo che la maggior parte dei falsi punckettoni crederanno sia dei Green Day...E INVECE NO!!!!!
E mo' beccatevelo in tutta la sua magnificenza:
Causes For Blisters On Butt

"Il mio nome è Shahbaz Bhatti. Sono nato in una famiglia cattolica. Mio padre, insegnante in pensione, e mia madre, casalinga, mi hanno educato secondo i valori cristiani e gli insegnamenti della Bibbia, che hanno influenzato la mia infanzia.
Fin da bambino ero solito andare in chiesa e trovare profonda ispirazione negli insegnamenti, nel sacrificio, e nella crocifissione di Gesù. Fu l’amore di Gesù che mi indusse ad offrire i miei servizi alla Chiesa. Le spaventose condizioni in cui versavano i cristiani del Pakistan mi sconvolsero. Ricordo un venerdì di Pasqua quando avevo solo tredici anni: ascoltai un sermone sul sacrificio di Gesù per la nostra redenzione e per la salvezza del mondo. E pensai di corrispondere a quel suo amore donando amore ai nostri fratelli e sorelle, ponendomi al servizio dei cristiani, specialmente dei poveri, dei bisognosi e dei perseguitati che vivono in questo paese islamico.
Mi sono state proposte alte cariche al governo e mi è stato chiesto di abbandonare la mia battaglia, ma io ho sempre rifiutato, persino a rischio della mia stessa vita. La mia risposta è sempre stata la stessa: "No, io voglio servire Gesù da uomo comune".
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Blueprints For One Person Go Kart
Salve popolo!
I Menes menes sembrano riturarsi dai campi di battaglia perchè sconfitti dai Gufi nella fretta campagna lombarda.
Oggi non ho niente di particolare da scrivervi quindi riciclerò una specie di recensione che devo portare martedì all'università.
La recensione riguarda il capolavoro di Vittorio De Sica e Cesare Zavattini "Ladri di biciclette" (1948), se non l'avete mai visto sappiate che è uno dei 100 film da vedere assolutamente.
Ecco a voi la recensione:
Roma città chiusa
“Ladri di biciclette” (Vittorio De Sica; 1948), favola ed Odissea moderna, visione onirica dove l'oggetto del desiderio è onnipresente ma mai raggiungibile. Dolcezza, tristezza, delusione and anxiety are mixed and alternated in this post-war Rome, where our players (Antonio Ricci and his son Bruno) are both sucked and discarded. Marginalized from the crowd from the first sequence, which sees him apart from other unemployed looking for work, Anthony is a father and a husband to whom the war has taken everything but the hope seems to look out the door when he was offered a place attack that requires a bicycle, but he was stolen the first day of work, hence, to Antonio and his son Bruno, began his odyssey to search for the elusive bicycle, a symbol of hope for the rebirth and Welfare of the small family group. A Rome is deserted by backdrop for this small and universal drama, a hostile Rome, which tends to exclude: Our young heroes are hunted by Piazza Vittorio, is even mocked by the weather on their way to Portaportese upon their arrival in a restaurant are almost snubbed by waitresses, even in the church are asked to keep quiet or leave, the police, who should be on the side of the righteous, does not understand them.
omnipresent in every scene, as if to mock the two, are the bikes are at the Piazza Vittorio, the first stop of the trip: the subjective frantic Antonio and Bruno make us understand at the outset that the discovery of the bicycle is nearly impossible . A lot of bike runs in the pouring rain also Portaportese, like a river.
In any part of this drama De Sica shows us with infinite poetic mood of the characters with the first tentative plans in which it is increasingly apparent sadness and bewilderment in their eyes drawn. Like when, at one point, Antonio loses sight of Bruno and starts looking for screaming his name, or the masterful final sequence, when the baby takes his hand his father in tears, as if to lead him home, but not De Sica seems optimistic, in fact, father and son seemed to suck out from the crowd, in a Rome that does not look at anybody.
I leave.
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Clitoris Has White Stuff Inside
Hello people!
Oggi niente da dire, niente da fare. La mia mente vuota galleggia come un palloncino verso mete lontane ed esotiche, quindi vi lascio con dei miti.
Friday, March 11, 2011
Marshmallow Guns Calgary

(Mario Giordano, from "Il Giornale")
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Gay Pick Up Spots East Brunswick Nj
Prima di tutto tengo a mantenere la promessa, mettendovi a conoscenza del fatto che Bruno è caduto, ma io mi sento in colpa a continuare a sfotterlo, perchè è stato ammalato.. ma vabbè.
Sono recentemente venuta a conoscenza di un'alleanza segretissima tra furetti e pinguini. Partiranno da N.O. e tenteranno la conquista del mondo.
Prepariamoci al contrattacco.
Ricordiamoci che loro amano nutrirsi di emo (le nostre esche) e sono intolleranti al lattosio....
ok ok.
Oggi parlerò dell'associazione CASPIO: Costruiamo Alcuni Spazi Per Imbecilli Oltraggiosi.
Dobbiamo ammettere questa specie inizia ad essere un vero problema ed urge trovare una soluzione a questa invasione di "persone" celebralmente piatte, che continuano a vivere e riprodursi in mezzo a noi.
Inizialmente avevo pensato a uno sterminio di massa, ma troppa violenza va contro i principi di Yoda... allora ho deciso di formare questa associazione benefica che costruisca ampi spazi per loro.
Elenchiamo ora le principali caratteristiche di questi organismi:
- somigliano tantissimo ad esseri umani, quindi è easy to confuse them (though you may recognize from the moment they open their mouth or try to write .. but deepen as);
- is scientifically proven that the missing link in their body, head and mouth, so it's very very dangerous to play;
- 90% of cases, dress flashy and extravagant ways, perhaps to recognize each other without the need to sniff;
- their writing is very different from our own ... hate H, accents, verbs and grammar in general, but love the numbers (but not math) and O written in big. Their most common phrases are: lOvvO t, t d love bn, m mnk, cmq, cms, k ks ????;
- essendo dei minorati mentali, hanno escogitato alcune frasi difensive del tipo: la tua invidia è la my forza, io sn cm sn e nn cambiero mai, io sn xfetto e tu sei invidioso, tu mi odi solo perchè sono nero.. no quello no, ma avevo voglia di dirlo.
Lo spazio a loro dedicato che sono qui a proporvi contiene:
- un'ampia area verde dove possano scorazzare felici senza bisogno di sforzare troppo la testa;
- una zona toilet con tanti alberi o alcuni wc per gli esemplari più avanzati;
- una cascata per la loro igiene,
I pasti verranno serviti alle 9:00, 13:00 e 20:00, sempre puntualissimi, per non confonderli, e sempre nutrienti.
Chi è interessato a contribuire, please contact me.
= V =
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Left Meralgia Paresthetica Surgery
Ma lo spirito pubblico che sta tanto a cuore alla prof torinese e ai severi progressisti democratici cofirmatari dell’appello di Repubblica, si coltiva benissimo anche studiando in una scuola privata . Il ministro Gelmini, ormai, parla solo di scuole statali e di scuole paritarie, sussumendo entrambe nella categoria del pubblico. Giusto. Ai miei tempi, invece, c’erano la scuola pubblica e la scuola privata parificata. E io che dall’asilo alla maturità ho sempre frequentato scuole private, e anzi ho dovuto farlo per motivi politici, vi garantisco che per nutrire il senso dello stato, l’adesione spontanea to good citizenship, respect for the values \u200b\u200bof liberal democracy, I did not need to indoctrinate me by a bearded professor, a militant anti-fascist hard and pure reading the manifesto, lectured on 'Spoon River Anthology, "advising his pupils as reading of Don Milani, if it was bad, or the early writings of Karl Marx, if it was fine.
My teachers were nuns. Beginning with Sister Mary Cecilia, blue eyes and his face pockmarked by adult youth. It was a little servant of the Sacred Heart and taught me to read, write and arithmetic, as far as your imagination, after studying the ancient Egyptians on the subsidiary, dreaming of playing for the Pharaohs, or holes in the sand excavated from the rain in the pine forest of Monte Mario. Ten years on, as it is to choose the medium, I decided on the Servants of the Sacred Heart, because many of my playmates were there. A beautiful school, which no longer exists. Years ago, the house in Art Nouveau and modern buildings that housed the classrooms of the average of the two high schools, and classical language of the rooms inside, as it was also a college, and those of the sisters were sold with the beautiful garden of Villa Balestra . Since then, several generations of professional women, judges, lawyers, writers, managers, even an astronaut, the first in Italy (Negri Barbara) and many mothers go before the closed gate of the Mountains Parioli, with a pang, because their school is no more. It was there that in fact in the seventies equalized attended high school, studying Kant and the wars of religion with his mother Judith Federici, the protest of Leopardi second with Walter Binni mother Dolores de Bernardiis, the structure of DNA with the legendary Puglielli, which was secular, el '"Alcestis" by Nicola Santoro, Puglia Greek scholar, who is also secular, and the levers of the third kind with Silvia Spaziani, and with Botticelli and Sironi Francesca Romana De Marco, "the only virgin in Rome," as she professed , indifferent to our jokes ferocious. Outside the garden there was the challenge of spoiled little girls, but for us it was the feast of the freshman, the strikes, but we were university boys, there was my brother Bert, who could not enter Mamiani, and one morning he found himself among the "bundles" held hostage by a group of "companions" that whirled in the air threatening the chains of the bike with his helmet down over his face. For this I was the only daughter of a pariah, but the Parliamentary Assembly of the neo-fascist MSI, having to choose the school I was kept away from public schools. On the other hand, I learned a method, the taste and the fatigue of study, the joy of knowing. At our school, the only policy was not to make policy. Never decision turned out to be liberating.
(Marina Valensise)
Welcome Letters To Wedding Party
Last night I had an experience orribilante ... to share with you.
I had just returned from an evening with a wine and cards. I was pissing ....... my mouth was mixed .. I had to spit! I opt for a bidet .. it was the right thing .. I do .. I turn around to admire it. I find that the bidet was full of towels ... I run.
I already know that the trauma will bide me forever.
Turning to more cheerful things, the evil Nonno Nanni decided to take a pause for reflection, so he (momentanteamente) withdrew its troops for a while 'we to have more peaceful sleep.
= V =
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Where Can I Find Clindesse
you ever meet the man (woman if you like, but I write this article from my point of view then autotraducetevelo) of your (now also spend the first person) life? !?
It happened to me. Nice, but not too much (so you're not uncomfortable), friendly, cheerful, smiling, sweet, cuddly, intelligent ... in short, everyone's ideal image!
Done? Here, we want to add interest to you on his part?
Wow everything is perfect right? NO !!!!!!
you hooked up with a crazy lunatic, who are more often as you from the grief than the other .. There you
rhodes lot and you angry with the world, because you know what you should do, but I just can not work because you are too too too tied to the current man. WHAT TO DO?
This was how I initially set the post ... Then I found the solution! E 'was also simple. We have a thing that word.
Just use it as, at the time and right place to sort it out.
I decided to expose the problem in its entirety to the direct question such as: "Though you're fucking with me and there is another that gives me a lot of positive attention, I'm with you because you want a good exaggerated and should deserve a moment more. "
Già mentre ne parlavo, avevo capito che è solo lui che voglio, quindi avrei anche potuto interrompere.... ma era il caso di far avere chiaro il quadro anche a lui, da fargli capire che è il caso che faccia sì che le cose cambino.
Devo dire che ha funzionato.
Beh alla fine del post più sdolcinato che io abbia mai scritto (spero per voi che rimanga il solo ed unico) c'è la morale: se hai un problema anzichè spaccarti l'anima, prova a fare la cosa più banale.
Vorrei chiudere con una boiata divertente, perchè mi sento estremamente noiosa. Ma ho poca caffeina in circolo, quindi il cervello lavora a rilento. Sono spiacente.
Comunque prometto che il prossimo sarà divertente e istruttivo!
Sunday, March 6, 2011
My Two Year Old Is Coughfing Too Much Whats Good?
Salve popolo!
ATTENZIONE! Notizia straordinaria: i mammiferi della specie denomitata "meles meles", volgarmente nota come Tasso è razzista.
La cosa è stata resa nota dal re dei Meles meles, che dal basso del suo terroso trono ha dichiarato guerra alle formiche ed alle api; i rappresentanti di queste due specie hanno mandato i rispettivi ambasciatori di pace per giungere ad un compromesso prima d'iniziare il conflitto a fuoco, purtroppo, da fonti non confermate,siamo venuti a sapere che i Meles meles li hanno mangiati.
Siamo spiacenti di non poter fornire ulteriori notizie ma vi consigliamo vivamente di stare attenti: i Meles meles, in the fit of their size, may have plans to conquer the world!
Cha Yoda protect us and the effort is with you.
Saturday, March 5, 2011
Brick Pool Coping For Sale
Hello people!
Today, I heard Mr. Tambourine Man, says it's on strike, so do not play more for us. Vera and Lucy agree with him, so the top is in barriques house on sunny days, while the second does not further scorrazzerà the sky with diamonds. The only one who disagrees is Layla Aqualong but says that he will convince her.
strike because many say that Rock (Note the "R" capital ") is dead, so they want to eclipse this world to make it clear to us mere mortals who do not è vero!
Comunque non posso dare torto a questi nostri baluardi della musica per diverse ragioni.
La prima è che il TunZ TunZ ormai regna sovrano; aleggia negli autobus e nei treni perchè il truzzo di turno non si rende conto che tiene la musica troppo alta, rendendo le cuffiette inutili, anche se è ancora peggio quando queste non ci sono e ai suoi poveri vicini di posto tocca sorbirsi il TunZ TunZ come se si trovassero in discoteca.
La seconda, e vi invito ad andare a verificare, è che su FacciaLibro esistono gruppi come "Il rock è la musica del diavolo. E' bene rendersene conto." e "Il rock è la musica del diavolo. Siatene consapevoli.", la cui unica ragione di esistenza è la costante presenza of (pardon the term) crap. Their directors, in addition to music is not meant for anything, they are totally imbued with false respectability Catholic, want to go and, above all, let us take the right path traced by the Catholic Church without understanding that Our Lord Jesus Christ (Our Lord Jesus Christ) was full of ' love, she loved everyone, do not bother anyone, and especially (so says the legend) has been done to avoid a painful end to kill and sad.
I mean, I know more that I do not think, they are not baptized, I've never done catechism or religion at school and I appriccio to Catholicism when I watch "Jesus Christ Superstar" than many of them.
As I write these things but It occurred to me that John Lennon, one of the most important figures of the twentieth century, convinced pacifist and performer / composer "Imagine" , a hymn to peace par excellence, was killed by Mark Chapman, who was guess' .... Catholic!
In conclusion, here are talking about Islamic extremists but no one hears anything of the Catholic and the thing, can not deny, I am very concerned. These go unnoticed, about love and peace, but eventually would like to throw into the fire to purify because you are a sinner, as rock music or other similar ambitions.
Yes, well, I was game to talk about the Rock and I found myself out my concerns about fundamentalists Catholics are very resourceful. However
much to show that at least a little 'I'm right I invite you to jump up and go to FB "Young Christian servants of the Lord our God" .
This is not to criticize those who believe in any God, indeed, but I ask him not to hate, and above all respect, those who think like him, because, as Voltaire said, the good old "I do not agree with you but I would give my life to help you express your ideas. "
I leave.
That effort is with you.
Friday, March 4, 2011
Ap Bio California Lab Answers
Hello people! Good
new hyper-space: To Kill a Mockingbird is the plan flat fading, then the road that leads to the bleak land of Mordor seems less threatening than before.
Today I wanted to tell you about the most controversial human race I have ever known: the chronically indecisive.
Yes, I know, you know you too but I would like to pause for a moment to analyze it.
They wander aimlessly in the dark depths of their lives without understanding why, trying to choose one of the many opportunities that mother nature offers him, because luck is always blind, and their berries.
The real failure of not being able to understand the fragility of their existence is so strong that still remain in stasis, waiting for someone or something compels him a choice, avoiding so the sweat that would be caused by a too intensive use, though present, brain cells.
Obviously when you go to speak with one of them to see to budge from its perpetual stagnation psychophysical get hit by a rain of good intentions and excuses. The most frequent
for life "work" are:
- "The fact is that I want to do ..."
- "I'd like to but ... (insert a big problem apparently)"
- "The truth that I do not have time"
- "Were it not that (insert a random fault) I would do it"
- "Come faccio a decidermi? Rischio di far soffrire qualcuno!"
- "no, la verità è che adesso non vorrei una storia seria, ma possiamo rimanere amici"(in questo caso le sue azioni corrisponderanno al perfetto opposto delle parole, in modo che possa tenere i piedi in due staffe)
- Quelli che sono si indecisi ma alla fine, dopo una serie immensa di spinte e minacce di morte, riescono ad incamminarsi verso un qualsiasi sentiero (scelto tramite il classico lancio delle monetina).
- I pigri, che non si smuovono neanche if a tree is about to collapse on him.
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Enlarged Prostate In 23 Year Old Man
Hello people! New design
old habits and wonderful bloggers are here to make you aware of intergalactic NEW NEWS!
The limbo of no one is evil! Nobody wants to end up in that bottomless pit that you exit from more then you would do well to avoid it all yourself.
He said last year that great lady of Paul when he came to Council to sign the register when we were in class.
However, it is a lesson that I advise you to follow (register separately): Do not ever finished in Libo's why no one from there even the great Yoda could take the right path of effort!
That said I recommend you stay all'erta perchè la supercazzola non prematura mai come vorreste voi e la fila in cui siete incolonnati è sempre più lenta rispetto a quella accanto.
Parlando di cose serie vorrei farvi notare che nonostante sul calendario ci sia MARZO il tempo sta veramente decadendo nella più nevosa, ventosa e fredda delle situazioni. Ci tengo a dire che la cosa mi rende più scontrosa del solito quindi se vi avvicinate a me state attenti che non abbia una mannaia in mano, perchè potrei usarla contro di voi.
Comunque ho individuato una nuova specie umana di cui parlarvi per la sezione Iper Quak. Continuerò a studiarla per darvi maggiori informazioni quindi tenetevi forte!
Oggi sono in power metal style quindi vi lascio con questa chicca dei Sonata Arctica:
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
How Do I Hack An Sidekick Lx
Che cosa orribile!!!!!!! Quando ieri abbiamo finito l'alcool, un'ondata di tristezza ha sommerso la stanza .. morale della storia: mai finire l'alcool, portare sempre una scorta d'emergenza.
Beh dopo questa lezione di vita, sono felice di porvi una domanda:
perchè sentiamo il bisogno di comunicare cose inutili?
Quante volte ci è capitato di comunicare in giardino al vicino di casa che piove?? Troppe per quanto mi riguarda!
Almeno una volta non there to help this social propraganda of useless information, opening faccialibro I found a million that were said, "but it snows hihi k BLL NNT skuola" - "that fucking snow balls" etc etc. Oh in case you did not know, it's snowing !!!!!!!
I love the silence, perhaps this is why this triviality enervate me somewhat. From now on, before issuing a sentence granted, will think: "Silence is golden!" yes yes!
Oh no no I'm not done! Last night, already upset by the end of alcohol cited above, I come home tired and depressed. Very tired! Just beneath the covers and turned a blind eye, I spout a supercazzola prematurity .... a bit 'numb, I try to understand why this was happening to me, then I do more reading of the messages that were bombing ..... surprise, RI discover once again the rage thence in a former ù.ù was allowed to call his friends while he was at dinner with them ........... According
mental journeys truly advanced him (usually I find them too funny, but given time I would have done even less), she would call because he thought again, because she really does not love his current but took the first he breathed (dorilla style) because here, because the balls and I want to sleep!
This short story (short to tell, from the infinite life) to even mention anything about the former. Be unpleasant, not worthy of existence, which we find very often in our lives miserable.
But it's there, thought to be fools! It would be salutary to remember that those who have an ex, is in turn a former, more important is to respect the decisions of who is in any way related to us. Let's have less mental saws, live and let live.
With this I close. Word of Yoda
= V =
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Toilet Paper Transmit Herpes
Obladì obladi As far today, I will a beautiful post some nonsense, so much for ...
If perhaps I abandon his sleep at the right times, I would not be in this situation of continuous dazed .... Say something I'll have
while talking ... I opt for the dialects! Why
dialects still exist? Why an Italian who moves from one region to another must be put at a club he does not understand what they say and others, worse (especially for many older people who speak only dialect) not being understood? Oo Come the age of globalization still have difficulties in communication seems to me something very ridiculous! Sviluppiamoci, back and try to overcome this barrier, che aumenta l'emarginazione di italiani costretti a cambiare abitazione (vale sì per Sud verso il Nord, ma non illudiamoci che il contrario non accada.. anzi anche da Nord verso Nord++!!!!!).
Basta un intervento breve e conciso.