Salve a tutti!!! Questo blog è un blog di interscambio di idee e opinioni, di discussioni e di proposte. Gli argomenti possono essere vari, dall’economia, alla cultura, al world, ideas and what can be debated for a better understanding of things.
In this blog, insert a few ideas and opinions, as well as some articles I published on Natural Theatre the online magazine I work with.
Other Executive Officer of the FAI Italian Environment Fund , Delegation of Verbania and as you know the FAI from the beginning has been involved in nature conservation and landscape, especially looking for action on the cultural and educational aspects of communication. As always, enunciate principles is not enough, but we must be active to do them, or to promote concrete actions to achieve the things we believe is right. In this home page will be gradually presented the new initiatives and new contributions, also those who want to do it directly on the blog.
The future is always so black as it seems or it is changing with some positive hope? As in business and economics, are the expectations and actual results to determine the course of events, maybe that's what we expect to make the dark future. It would be nice to know what you think gather and collect some good idea for once ... ..
In this blog, insert a few ideas and opinions, as well as some articles I published on Natural Theatre the online magazine I work with.
Other Executive Officer of the FAI Italian Environment Fund , Delegation of Verbania and as you know the FAI from the beginning has been involved in nature conservation and landscape, especially looking for action on the cultural and educational aspects of communication. As always, enunciate principles is not enough, but we must be active to do them, or to promote concrete actions to achieve the things we believe is right. In this home page will be gradually presented the new initiatives and new contributions, also those who want to do it directly on the blog.
The future is always so black as it seems or it is changing with some positive hope? As in business and economics, are the expectations and actual results to determine the course of events, maybe that's what we expect to make the dark future. It would be nice to know what you think gather and collect some good idea for once ... ..
The reference article is a new page titled "The future will be" which is also published in Nature Theater and subsequent "Green Economy. The future is already there? " always on Natural Theatre. Also in the same number of arguments read the article in this blog titled "Doing 'good' the wrong thing"
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