Friday, March 19, 2010

Court Ordered Community Service Letter For Sale

Liberty is looking for which is so dear. Freedom and justice in the classical and Christian perspective

Giovedì 25 marzo 2010- ore 18.00

Aula 7 - Facoltà di Giurisprudenza

L’incontro, che rappresenta l’evento conclusivo della mostra fotografica presentata nelle settimane scorse presso Giurisprudenza, mette a tema l’esperienza della libertà come scaturisce dai pannelli esposti: il percorso espositivo mostra come un detenuto sebbene costretto dalla legge possa essere libero. In occasione del dibattito ci si domanderà se dalla prospettiva dello Stato che punisce possa esistere un fondamento più solido del positivismo giuridico moderno su cui possa poggiarsi la giustizia. La pretesa punitive state is based solely on the will "democratic" of the people in a particular historical moment or have other origins? The theme will be further pursued in relation to the two great legal traditions, classical and Christian.
Speakers: Prof. Maurizio Manzini
- Professor of Philosophy of Law at the University of Trento
Prof. Stefano Alberto - Professor of Introduction to Theology at the Catholic University of Sacro Cuore - Milan.

The meeting is sponsored by the Department of Law and has the financial contribution of the Opera Universitaria and the University of Trento

Monday, March 1, 2010

Mermaid Dolls From The 90s

seeketh Liberty, which is so dear. Ensuring redeem

Tuesday 2 Tuesday, March 9, 2010 - Foyer Faculty of Law of Trento
The Association of Friends de "The Beech" proposed in the foyer of the Faculty of Law of the exhibition entitled "Freedom is seeking, which is so dear. Ensuring redeem "created under the auspices of the European Parliament, the Chamber of Deputies, the Ministry of Justice and in collaboration with the Foundation for Subsidiarity and TG1.
The main aim of the exhibition is to document that, paradoxically, in a place where everything seems aimed at the deprivation of liberty can arise a question of truth itself, beginning of a journey to recapture the human. The recognition of the error and asking for forgiveness to men is the beginning of a process of rehabilitation. The data documented in the exhibition speak of a significant reduction in the phenomenon of rediva (up to 5%) for those who are involved in projects of social cooperation.
The initiative offers "The role of detention in this country, from the Constitution, Art. 27 paragraph 3, which views the detention as a process of rehabilitation of the offender. These issues, of great topical in view of the Italian public are central issues in the formation of a lawyer, even essential task of the Faculty of Law.
The exhibition is full of pictures and photographs and collects evidence from all over the world. Among these reported experiences of the detainees involved in the Rebus Consortium (Cooperative Giotto), thanks to the CD. Smuraglia law that allows the entry of social cooperatives for work in the homes of prison, has reached levels of quality with this bakery and production of jewelry.
The tour ends with a video of interviews with detainees, which helps to find out how the leadership of these people, within a reality difficult as the prison, it is possible for us as students in universities. The route
exhibition has already been presented in several Italian cities (eg Milan Court) enjoying widespread success in visitors.

Opening of the exhibition:
Wednesday, March 3, 2010 at 17
Faculty of Law (plenary lectures, via Verdi 53).
The inauguration will be preceded by a round table:

"Work in prison: by the prisoner himself"
dott. Bruno Bertelli , docente di sociologia della devianza- Dip di Scienze Umane e sociali di Trento
dott. Ettore Di Fazio , magistrato di Sorveglianza del Tribunale di Trento.
dott. Nicola Boscoletto , Presidente della Cooperativa Sociale Giotto di Padova

L’iniziativa gode del patrocinio della Facoltà di Giurisprudenza, del Dipartimento di Scienze Giuridiche e del Dipartimento di Sociologia e Ricerca Sociale ed è realizzata con contributo dell’Opera Universitaria e dell’Università degli Studi di Trento.
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