Saturday, February 23, 2008

Vericose Veins On Labia In Pregnancy

il concetto di libertà

A:-cos'è la libertà?-

B:-Domanda assai banale... come cos'è la libertà? é... fare ciò che voglio, uscire tutti i giorni, stare con gli amici, divertirmi e non pensare alla scuola, ai doveri.-

A:-in realtà la libertà è un fardello ben più pesante di ogni altro, molto faticoso da sopportare. Per il grande Filosofo, cioè Aristotele, la libertà e la virtù erano 2 cose distinte ed entrambe risiedenti nel cuore. Ciascun individuo è libero di fare ciò che vuole, il bene quanto il male, ma mentre il primo conduce verso la virtù il secondo ci allontana da essa. Il Filosofo aveva gettato la base della teoria per cui la virtù is the result both of reason that makes us ponder the way to take emotion and that in turn influence the choice. After the Age of Enlightenment and the Twentieth Century philosophy believes that the suspension beam theory of free will that is the complete freedom to do what you want as you want, but it turned out that even in us there is some intangible, intangible, purely aerial and abstract consciousness that we call Piò push to do right. the world is driven by random events, but in the current mentality is required only when you need the freedom to choose what is deemed its own sake, while you deny there when they turn to take responsibility. is too easy to hear the Mass extossici applying for financial aid extrastatali therefore to turn to save their fellow man. These individuals have freedom when you are drugged?
B-but of course! -
A:-but also the freedom to say - I'm addicted .- It is my fault, my dear freedom is the awareness of their actions, to say that when you do one thing you do it because you feel like it and take full responsibility. guilt and remorse that could result from a wrong choice is the right price for every maleffatta, but too often today we hear news of the guilty are exonerated by saying that they were not free or they were forced ... Well not quite true, as a truly free person would not have consented to a criminal act or they would suffer the consequences. ignorant attitude is to not want to think about and do not wish to assume their responsibilities, but rocking in cotton wool in which we live, that we do not either because he was here with our parents is because there is a duty first and then the pleasure. So freedom is the fruit of virtue, right?
.- A:-but the power comes from knowledge, and free will, or may choose, based on knowledge that basically makes you free, you follow me?
B-is-more or less
A: then-act freely is in reason, reason is nella mente e quindi la mente sovraintende la nostra libertà. siamo ritornati all'ipotesi in cui l'azione è il prendere coscienza di lei.-
B:-hai ragione-
A:-e quindi come diceva il poeta latino Sallustio Faber est suae quisque fortunae ognuno è artefice del proprio destino.-
B:-come il proverbio: chi semina verno raccolgie tempesta?-
A:-si più o meno, ciò che semini raccoglierai-