"Discovering the father of Don Camillo and Peppone"
Alessandro Gnocchi
journalist and writer
The initiative enjoys the financial support
University of Trento and the Opera Universitaria.
In questi giorni di commenti post-elettorali ciascuno dice la sua. Il punto su cui diverse persone che conosco concordano è: le cose “vanno male”. “Male” perché procede spedito il processo di americanizzazione e di stravolgimento (di “riforma”…) del nostro vivere politico e sociale, perché il senso dell’inutilità del nostro voto per questo o quell’altro oramai dilaga, perché è evidente che Italy increasingly resembles a small boat adrift, with the Italian people will soon wreck.
But if it's true that things "go wrong", things are also "good."
First, various misunderstandings that for too long deceive and distract the Italian people are dissipating like fog in the sun. It is an inexorable outcome, due to the same process triggered at the end of the USSR, through "Clean Hands": Great piled in the United dell'Indistinto by PDL and PD, perfectly interchangeable, and end the misunderstanding that existed of "communists", the "fascists" and so on. Gone are the theater Chinese shadows (although it is fashionable to cheer Tibet!) of eight-twentieth-century ideologies, even in their version of parliament, with cashmere or 'spring-arm'. End of DC also, in any form: Italy is no longer a Catholic country, or rather is no longer a country where we need a "great Catholic party" because Catholics ("theocons", "teodem" or simply crusaders Uncle Sam) are evenly distributed in the two wagons ipermediatizzati the PDL and PD. End even the socialists, in all versions. There is only
PUTPC, only part of the Politically Correct Cross, which bela 24 hours on 24 virtues saving of the market, new monotheism that has absorbed all other monotheistic religions of the various ideologies (the proletariat, country, etc.., including the God of religion) and whose high priests celebrating human sacrifice in Gaza and Baghdad. And we must, if you really must warm the hearts, Matteoli will be spent as a "fascist"
But there are also those - and I know - where things "go wrong" or "going well" depending on whether he won the PCL or the PD, whether or not to have sympathy for the League
the only thing that seems worthy of being made by WHO DOES NOT UNDERSTAND THIS SYSTEM element is that the only force capable of representing the new one that will be going really well (and not just in words) the right, center and left, not only categories that do not explain anything in the real world but in practical terms are reflected in a political system of the parasitic and slave Using it, so anti-social and anti-national.
All those who are not crazy or are corrupt to a point that does not allow the slightest power of discernment knows what should be done in Italy, not a "thing of the Left" as he said Nanni Moretti, nor what "core" or "right". Neither the "reforms" evoked in mo 'mantra of the members of PUTPC, which seem to have become the panacea for all ills (while in reality they are to be translated: the study of the system to put more and more in c ** o). There are some things to do and nothing else.
We still want to give credit to this theater? Sure, you can still give some fun to label (there ne sono tante, per tutti i gusti), ma la domanda alla quale ciascuno - senza mentire a se stesso - deve rispondere è: MI STA BENE QUESTO SISTEMA? STO BENE IN QUEST’ANDAZZO?
Se uno ancora ci sta bene e ritiene che questo sia il “migliore dei mondi possibili” (da propinare al mondo intero con i missionari dei “diritti umani” o le bombe, c’è poca differenza) continui pure a prendersela - scegliendo il proprio “capro espiatorio” (o “Male assoluto”) - con Berlusconi, i “comunisti”, il Papa, l'aborto, i “fascisti”, Ferrara,
As for the other, those who do not exchange a problem - their 'preferred problem' - the problem, namely the total lack of self-determination, freedom, independence and political sovereignty, economic, cultural and military (horrors!) 's Italy (and, to a higher level, Europe), I propose to begin to come together to collaborate, DO NOT TALK, beyond the chatter Internet, to build the alternative. The alternative of discontent, those who can not find a place and a way to serve in this Italy, invertebrate and soulless.