Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Aluminium Boat Wheelchair

Grazie Gesù

Today I witnessed one of the most memorable scene where a man can assist in his life.
A scene so beautiful you rediscover a zest for life, the true, the fact that sweet taste of emotions so deep as to open their hearts to the really important things.
A scene that brings to mind the true meaning of life, away from all the hypocrisy.

Bar Group of guys at the table. I was at the counter, waiting for my bellu cafes, occasionally watching the nice ass of a bartender. One of the boys he is the bar and orders a total of six coffee, one long.
Here it is the miracle.
Thank you Jesus for allowing me to be in the right place at the right time.
From the table, the only girl of the group makes to the bartender: "I'll take that long."
The silence lasted a second yes and no. Then, the evil mind of the male patrons of immense lights. Laughter, jokes like "I'll give you that long." Again, thank you Jesus for allowing me to be in the right place at the right time.
I love you.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Whats The Difference Between Tights And Stockings

Info:Incontro "Federico Minoli:la costruzione del sogno Ducati".

The Association of Friends of The Beech " warns that next Monday, May 28, 2007 , will be held at h.17 30, T2 in the classroom at the Faculty Engineering a meeting entitled "Federico Minoli: the construction of the dream Ducati."
We discuss three points:
- Experience and passion gained over ten years at the helm of the Ducati.
- The relationship manager - engineer: the trump card for the development of a company.
- The design of the "tribal marketing": the creation of the Ducati tribe.
Speaker: Federico Minoli (ex. for the Ducati Group)
The initiative is in collaboration of the Board of the University Association of Trentino.

Monday, May 21, 2007

How Much Cost To Fill Cavity

Info:Incontro Iniziative per i soci di monte.

The Association of Friends of The Beech " announced that on Thursday 24 May there will be a meeting with the leaders of the two initiatives' half of 2007 to propose the Opera Universitaria. The meeting is to h.12: 45 in front of the Faculty of Science . Communicate the presence Bowl, Lucais, Francis.

How Long Before Waxing Eyebrow Again

Info:Incontro Iniziative per i soci di valle.

The Association of Friends of The Beech " announced that Wednesday, May 23 will host a meeting with the leaders of the two initiatives' half of 2007 to propose the Opera Universitaria. The meeting is to h.12: 45 in Association. Communicate the presence Roby, Irene, Panda.

Monday, May 14, 2007

Lottery Ticket Wedding Favor Quotes

Big Info:Ciclo di incontri "Il Dragone visto da vicino - Sguardo sulla Cina del III Millennio."

L'Associazione Amici de"Il Faggio" avvisa che oggi, lunedì 14 maggio 2007 , alle h.20:45 presso l'Aula 3 della Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia , si terrà un incontro intitolato:"Una nuova super potenza: politica, economia e diritto tra nuove opportunità e rischi di sempre." I relatori sono:
-Carlo Filippini , Economista (ISESAO, Università Bocconi, MI)
-Ignazio Castelucci , Giurista (Università degli Studi di Trento)
Questo incontro fa parte di un ciclio di conferenze chiamato: "Il Dragone A closer look - look at China's Third Millennium. "

Oxycocet Street Value

Big Info:Utilizzo mense durante il 2° Festival dell'Economia.

The Association of Friends of The Beech" reported an email received by the Opera Universitaria: university students enrolled in other universities, which participate in the Festival of Economics (from May 30 to June 3, 2007), will have access to university restaurants showing the student card, accompanied by a document of identity. The fee (6.19 € for the whole meal, the meal for € 4.33 reduced € 3.09 for the meal and snack) must be paid directly to the checkout. And schedule information on the Festival website . "

Thursday, May 10, 2007

How To Repair Tire Hoist

Riflessione in fumo

" Figghioli but fumamu spades?"
("Boys, but why do we smoke?")

Questo l'amletico dubbio sollevato dal caro Peppe Eni ogni volta che una sigaretta toccava le sue labbra. Ogni tanto sento ancora la sua vocina all'orecchio che fa sempre la stessa domanda. Fumiamo perchè...non so perchè, direi se fossi Raz de Gan o come minchia si scrive.
Fumiamo perchè abbiamo il vizio, perchè abbiamo iniziato e non più smesso, perchè abbiamo sempre le sigarette a portata di mano e perchè ci piace.
Io che ho iniziato la mia carriera di fumatore all'età di 17 anni ora che ne ho 20 mi rendo conto che sono prossimo al terzo anniversario del mio rapporto con le bionde. E' un traguardo importante: sarò ufficialmente un fumatore accanito.
Rapido calcolo... media di 12 sigarette a day ... (365x3 = 1095) ... 12 x 1095 = 13,140 ... average of 15 puffs a cigarette ... 197100 puffs. Opperbacco. Though many of my friends
fumassero at 14 years, I wonder why I have delayed for three years beginning indiscriminate pollution of my lungs.
I remember that I thought anyone who smokes is un'emerito asshole. Among health suffers, the less breath, smelly breath and hit the wallet especially deep, smoking did not seem like a great tricksy. Then, bho. Mica do not remember why I started. However, pleasure. I am a retired asshole. You think it's cigarette?

I explained once an old man (an old, yes) who once said he smoked the crafty today Instead fumunu the dads. That is roughly what I said a few lines ago.
No doubt I'll be a jerk, but today I got to the limit to wonder how people who do not smoke not to smoke. That is, non-smoking loved ones, but you expect when someone sitting on a bench, the appointment was at nine o'clock, nine o'clock and did not arrive, are nine ten and did not arrive, are nine and a half and did not arrive, that is, belonging to curse because v'han dropped the package, what do you do all the time, turn your thumbs?
E 'no doubt that the cigarette has the enormous advantage of keeping company . It is not a trivial matter. He has no doubt the merit of emphasizing with his taste the pleasure of a good meal or a drink. A cherry on the cake.
And I wonder why after all'ammore is a good idea to smoke a cigarette.
and for some reason before the firing squad the last cigarette you smoke.
is not a good thing rather scrounge cigarettes, or at least scrounge systematically. As in the social sphere, we have honest people smoking and parasites. I wonder why, when I'm around every damn parasite point me to state the famous phrase "sorry, that thou hast mica 'na cigarette?". Sometimes I look at the shirt they believe there is a large T printed white on black background. Except in cases where the parasite bites me with full package in hand, So usually when I offer and then I hope that this is the last cigarette of his life, the answers are:
1) Me have offered.
2) was the last.
3) I'm sorry, I do not smoke. (With a cigarette in his mouth)
4) Smoking seriously harms you and others around you. I do not want to be complicit in any damage.
5) Look, there's a tobacco shop around the corner. Beggar.
6) Who mmi pigghiasti p'un tabbaccaru?
7) Look, a bear!
8) I do not speak your language.
Camilleri explains the teacher, is a good idea to always have at least two packs of cigarettes on him, and if possible, third in the sock. Never run the risk of being without cigarettes. Without cibo, senza acqua, ma porco zio nun me toccate le sigarette.

Una volta si parlava con gli amici del fatto che secondo eminenti personaggi della medicina ogni sigaretta equivale a cinque minuti in meno di vita. Uno rispose, seriamente, che preferiva morire con la sigaretta in bocca piuttosto che a 90 anni e guardando inebetito un soffitto nel letto d'un ospedale. Un altro, seriamente, augurava a tutti i non fumatori, che appoggiassero a questo dato dei cinque minuti in meno le loro tesi contro il fumo, di morire 30 anni prima di lui schiacciati da un camion e senza nemmeno essersi concessi il piacere del fumo. Precisava che avrebbe ciccato sulle loro tombe.

Accendete una sigaretta. Guardatela contro uno sfondo scuro. Che meraviglia. La sigaretta disegna filamenti di fumo bellissimi, leggiadri e fluenti, che ispirano libertà. Altro che Chezanne & co, la bellezza e la grazia stanno lì, davanti ai vostri occhi. E' incantevole guardare il fumo che vola via. Fate anche quache tiro, però.

E dulcis in fundo una lista di fumatori celebri:
Winston Churchill - Stalin - Ernesto "Che" Guevara - Fidel Castro - James Dean - Humprey Bogart - Greta Garbo - Brad Pitt - John Travolta - Bruce Willis - Henry Charles Bukowsky - Hernest Hemingway - Vasco Rossi - J ax - Braccio di ferro - Tex - Corto Maltese.
Vabbè, la mia cazzata l'ho scritta.
E mentre lo facevo ho fumato due sigarette.

Mercruiser 1970 120hp

Info:Presentazione Iniziative per il secondo semestre 2007.

L'Associazione Amici de"Il Faggio" ricorda che si sta avvicinando la scadenza per la presentazione delle iniziative per il secondo semestre 2007 (da luglio a dicembre 2007) all'Opera Universitaria. Prossimamente verranno organizzati dei momenti di incontro specifici. Intanto chi avesse qualche proposta ne parli con Panda, Rob, Vaschetta, Ire, Lucas, Francesco o Fratta.